Submission Details

Date 2017-02-13 
Dimension 45 
Relative error size α 0.015 
Name(s) of Participant(s) Kenji KASHIWABARA
Tadanori TERUYA 
Algorithm Embedding technique and original algorithm for SVP 
Hardware 864 cores of Xeon E5-2695 v4 per a job in the Reedbush-U system 
Runtime 27 hours 
Notes SVP algorithm is based on RSR algorithm developed by Kenji KASHIWABARA, Masaharu FUKASE and Tadanori TERUYA.\In embedding, we use m=130 and t=40. 
Solution [574 1106 369 976 1906 1065 252 953 1762 1583 1104 1374 990 624 387 205 879 733 725 422 1218 518 1390 1787 1371 1275 1613 814 308 1192 1461 548 1611 1315 60 794 880 1851 1576 319 559 91 1030 1480 1307]
Error norm 1414.7119848224